This article highlights the importance fo qualified healthcare providers, such as genetic counselors, working with families of children with autism as they search for answers and assistance with treatment for their children. The conclusion of the article states, “The majority of participants (families) postulated favorable attitudes toward autism genetic testing for three main reasons: early intervention and treatment, identifying the etiology of autism, and informed family planning. Nevertheless, among parents who had taken their children for genetic testing, some expressed frustration and questioned the competency of their providers in interpreting test results.”
Genetic counselors are the perfect healthcare professionald to assist with these difficult cases. Unfortunately it comes with the teritory that there will be a lot of uncertainty and a learning process anytime we are discovering/learning about new disorders and the underlying etiology of those disorders. As technology continues to expand beyond our true understanding, these complex cases only become more complex and more difficult to interpret. Our goal is to have genetic counselors at the forefront to help guide other healthcare professionals and families in this new era of genomic medicine.
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Autism genetic testing: a qualitative study of awareness, attitudes, and experiences among parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Chen LS, et al. Genet Med 2013 Jan
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