“If a genome is the blueprint for life, then the chief architects are tiny slices of genetic material that orchestrate how we are assembled and function.

I really enjoyed this quote and with the introduction of clinical Exome sequencing/Genome sequencing we are starting to talk to patients more and more about the complexities of genetics which includes these regulatory factors.  Many people expect that one gene is either spelled correctly or not and produces one protein or had one function.  However, those of us deep in the field of genetics know that this is simply not the case.  One gene can be modified by many other factors/genes, produce several proteins, only function at certain times of development, have mutations that only alter the function etc.  This is what makes genetics fascinating to me.

“Our genome is like a landscape with lakes, mountains, and rivers, but it is not yet a community or a city full of buildings,” said Haifan Lin, director of the Yale Stem Cell Center and senior author of the study. “What this system does is decide where and when to send out the masons, carpenters, and electricians to build a city or a community.”
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Life’s Tiniest Architects Pinpointed: Molecular Regulators of Epigenetics

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